So this week was another great one !
Wednesday I had a division with Elder Shepherd and this was the first one we have had this transfer. It was fun and I enjoyed it a lot. It felt like a vacation to be able to help someone else in their area.
Thursday I was able to give a blessing to an investigator who was ill and then on Sunday her husband got the same illness that she had had and so I was able to give a blessing to him as well. It was rather good .
Friday: We had our noite de integração again and it went a well. Also something exciting is that the moon came back! It has been gone for the past 16 days and something that is interesting is that it reappeared on the opposite side of the sky that it left from.
Saturday was definitely a little bit of an interesting day. We went out to work and got a member to come with us and all of our appointments with investigators fell through. All of them. But it wasn't a bad day. We were still able to visit two recent converts and also get the permission of Jennifer's mom to baptize her. Days like this happen and just make me more grateful for the good days.
Sunday we had 17 investigators at church, and we didn't bring a single one. They came on their own, or with members and so it was amazing. (I did call one of them to wake him up and he brought a bunch of people). It was a little stressful because of the vastness of the number but I am definitely grateful.
The highlight of my week was Jennifer's baptism. She was baptized at 12:10.55 by my companion. This was our first baptism since Christmas and definitely a sweet one. Because of her baptism her little brother is more interested in the church and her mom is as well.
This week was good and I'm excited for another great one.
Elder Olsen
p.s.Ill send photos next week because the computer that I'm using is weird and doesn't like my card reader and I lost my cable in my house somewhere.
pss. Fresh Açaí is really good
psss. You'll see me in 18 months so don't cry ;)
Monday, January 30, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
This Week!!
So this week!
Monday and Tuesday and Wenesday were fairly normal and so lets just skip to Thursday
We went to the chapel that night and taught some rapazes (young teenage men) who go to the chapel to play soccer. It was good and we were able to get some new people to teach from this.
We had a special training conference and so we went to the mission headquarters and recieved it. It was on obedience and a variety of other things ( i dont remember all of it). But I was able to get to know my new zone leaders better. That night we went to the chapel for a ward activity, and they asked me to think of a game for them to play, so I taught them how to play Nefita Nefita Lamanita! Nephite Nephite Lamanite. It was fun, but rather hard to play for me when I was wearing big bulky shoes.
We were walking back from Lunch at a restaurant and a drunk guy stopped me and my companion and asked for me companion to give him some of the soda that we were carrying (we had a 2 liter bottle of fanta that we had bought for our drink). The funny thing was that the cup that he had was already full with water and so he put just a little bit of fanta in til it reached the top. I thought it was funny.
So the worst thing that could have happened Sunday morning did. Yes it rained. And hard. Because of this people who commited to go to church were either sleeping or didnt go because it was raining. On the bright side though that night we had two young adult men and a priest go out with us to teach people. Which was good.
Oh and on Sunday I gave a talk! My first ever in Sacrament meeting here. It was on missionary work, which was fun to talk about. But it was good, I recieved help when I was doing planning it Saturday. As I prepared, I had the outline just flow out and become a talk which I was grateful for. Heavenly Father definitely blessed me. I think i was more nervous giving a talk in English back home than I was giving one in broken portuguese here, Heavenly Father definitely strengthened me.
Thats all I can really think of for today, please keep me in your prayers and continue to write letters,
Monday and Tuesday and Wenesday were fairly normal and so lets just skip to Thursday
We went to the chapel that night and taught some rapazes (young teenage men) who go to the chapel to play soccer. It was good and we were able to get some new people to teach from this.
We had a special training conference and so we went to the mission headquarters and recieved it. It was on obedience and a variety of other things ( i dont remember all of it). But I was able to get to know my new zone leaders better. That night we went to the chapel for a ward activity, and they asked me to think of a game for them to play, so I taught them how to play Nefita Nefita Lamanita! Nephite Nephite Lamanite. It was fun, but rather hard to play for me when I was wearing big bulky shoes.
We were walking back from Lunch at a restaurant and a drunk guy stopped me and my companion and asked for me companion to give him some of the soda that we were carrying (we had a 2 liter bottle of fanta that we had bought for our drink). The funny thing was that the cup that he had was already full with water and so he put just a little bit of fanta in til it reached the top. I thought it was funny.
So the worst thing that could have happened Sunday morning did. Yes it rained. And hard. Because of this people who commited to go to church were either sleeping or didnt go because it was raining. On the bright side though that night we had two young adult men and a priest go out with us to teach people. Which was good.
Oh and on Sunday I gave a talk! My first ever in Sacrament meeting here. It was on missionary work, which was fun to talk about. But it was good, I recieved help when I was doing planning it Saturday. As I prepared, I had the outline just flow out and become a talk which I was grateful for. Heavenly Father definitely blessed me. I think i was more nervous giving a talk in English back home than I was giving one in broken portuguese here, Heavenly Father definitely strengthened me.
Thats all I can really think of for today, please keep me in your prayers and continue to write letters,
Monday, January 9, 2012
3rd Transfer...Ready..Set..Go...
So the transfers came out last night. Honestly anything could have happened since my training has ended. I could have left or Elder Adhans but they said that.....We are both staying together for one more transfer! This has already given me the answer for what is going to happen the next transfer and because Elder Adhans will have been here for 6 months after this transfer so i think that he will leave next and ill be here for this transfer and the next.
So this week.
It was a wonderful p day
I didnt write anything special which means that it was a normal day
It was a very full day but some of our appointments fell through which was a little bit sad.
Another good work day
I'm sure by now your thinking wow it was a standard week. Well it was until Friday night
So first when we were walking to an appointment a young man started talking to me and we continued chatting and made a return appointment. His name is Rogerio and is 18. He came to church with us and read the pamphlet we left with him. He is a prepared individual and so im excited.
Then Friday night at about 630-7ish we were walking and there was a massive blackout. We have had black outs before but it was usually during the day. This time the whole barrio went dark. There was 0 power for anyone and honestly it was peaceful. The little key chain light that you gave me for Christmas came very much in handy throughout the night as I was looking for my mini mag light. We continued on out and then it started raining. I don't think I've seen it rain so crazily here before. It was nuts and i got soaked. We finished our appointments and started home and the lake that I was expecting in the road on the way to our house was there and bigger than ever. It had gotten to the point where the water was on the sides of the sidewalk that we had to use to reach the side street and the rain and wind had knocked a metal sign into the middle of the road and so cars couldn't pass. It was crazy. When we got home, both of us were soaked and we had to try and function without power for another 2ish hours. Luckily we had candles that we used for light and i made some of the hot chocolate that you sent me. It was very much appreciated.
Standard work day
We had testimony meeting and all of the people that I had helped baptize minus one was at church, and Cliver and Suzete even bore their testimonies. When Cliver bore his, it was the most gratifying moments of my mission, seeing him up there in front of everyone. It was amazing. We stopped by a sister in the ward to take pictures because we weren't sure if me or Elder Adhans were leaving and didn't know if we would have time today, and also talked with some people in the street which was good.
It was amazing week and a good transfer. Please continue to pray for me and my investigators. I really do love you all and hope that everything is well with you,
So this week.
It was a wonderful p day
I didnt write anything special which means that it was a normal day
It was a very full day but some of our appointments fell through which was a little bit sad.
Another good work day
I'm sure by now your thinking wow it was a standard week. Well it was until Friday night
So first when we were walking to an appointment a young man started talking to me and we continued chatting and made a return appointment. His name is Rogerio and is 18. He came to church with us and read the pamphlet we left with him. He is a prepared individual and so im excited.
Then Friday night at about 630-7ish we were walking and there was a massive blackout. We have had black outs before but it was usually during the day. This time the whole barrio went dark. There was 0 power for anyone and honestly it was peaceful. The little key chain light that you gave me for Christmas came very much in handy throughout the night as I was looking for my mini mag light. We continued on out and then it started raining. I don't think I've seen it rain so crazily here before. It was nuts and i got soaked. We finished our appointments and started home and the lake that I was expecting in the road on the way to our house was there and bigger than ever. It had gotten to the point where the water was on the sides of the sidewalk that we had to use to reach the side street and the rain and wind had knocked a metal sign into the middle of the road and so cars couldn't pass. It was crazy. When we got home, both of us were soaked and we had to try and function without power for another 2ish hours. Luckily we had candles that we used for light and i made some of the hot chocolate that you sent me. It was very much appreciated.
Standard work day
We had testimony meeting and all of the people that I had helped baptize minus one was at church, and Cliver and Suzete even bore their testimonies. When Cliver bore his, it was the most gratifying moments of my mission, seeing him up there in front of everyone. It was amazing. We stopped by a sister in the ward to take pictures because we weren't sure if me or Elder Adhans were leaving and didn't know if we would have time today, and also talked with some people in the street which was good.
It was amazing week and a good transfer. Please continue to pray for me and my investigators. I really do love you all and hope that everything is well with you,
Sunday, January 8, 2012

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First off, I just got to say that it was amazing to be able to talk with all of you this yesterday and im excited to talk to you all again in 5 months! (Dont worry the time will pass by quickly). Im super excited that Karalee is pregnant too! And i think that its crazy that all of your due dates are in June!.
So since you all know pretty much what happened this last week ill do a little recap and then talk about today.
So last week I had our Christmas Conference where we went to an Army Base (CIGS) and all of the mission except Rio Branco and Porto Velho was there. It was awesome! They have a zoo and I saw some pretty cool animals that the amazon has. The highlight was catching the boa constrictor with my bare hands and ill send you a picture when i get it (it was about 5+ feet and rather large in the middle).
I had a division with Elder Shepherd again while they were doing baptismal interviews in our area and another area and then was able to have another division with a zone leader who was doing baptismal interviews in Elder Shepherds area. It was amazing and super fun.
Christmas Eve here is pretty cool and they have been dinners to bring in Christmas. Its pretty much just parties all over. Me and my companion had it at the Bishops house and it was cool.
Christmas wasnt the same with out all of you but it just made me even more grateful for the next Christmas that im going to have with you all. I loved the Puppets singing We wish you a Merry Christmas. It didnt quite feel like Christmas for me since I didnt have very many people singing Christmas Carols to me in English and so I loved it.
I just loved talking to you all in general. I dont know if you realize how much I miss each and every one of you and I pray that youre safe often.
So today I went to Centro to get my shoes repaired because the shoe repair guy in my area fixed my shoes but it didnt stick so I got them redone and I dont think they put the airplane tire on it but I think itll still be good. So to describe Centro, imagine San Fransisco, China town and a flea market and that pretty much describes it. I bought some things that I needed such as a camera case and a letter opener (from the indian market there) and then some other things like granola because its much cheaper there and they have more variety, after shave because i ran out and deodorant because i ran out of it and thought that you might have sent me some for Christmas so ive been holding off on buying it (ive been using the rest of mine and also the Gold Bond powder because it says that it works for that and it does!), and i thought that they might have american stick deordorant there but they didnt so I bought some spray. I saw the river briefly but didnt get the chance to look at the area where it runs side by side, the blue water and the dark water. Just something to look forward to in the future...
But yea that was my day, next week im sending off a package with my unused suit, shoes and some other stuff and im also going to include something cool that I bought at the indian market today and so look out for it! (no its not a blowgun im waiting to buy one of those at the end of my mission as well as one of the native tribal bows that they have).
Have an awesome time in Monteray this week (or today im not sure when your going there), fishing is awesome!
I love you all and please keep me in your prayers and continue to write me letters because I want to use my new letter opener,
p.s. Im posting a video of a rain storm here as well as some baptismal pictures on picasa and i think i posted another video that I took Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Love you!
So since you all know pretty much what happened this last week ill do a little recap and then talk about today.
So last week I had our Christmas Conference where we went to an Army Base (CIGS) and all of the mission except Rio Branco and Porto Velho was there. It was awesome! They have a zoo and I saw some pretty cool animals that the amazon has. The highlight was catching the boa constrictor with my bare hands and ill send you a picture when i get it (it was about 5+ feet and rather large in the middle).
I had a division with Elder Shepherd again while they were doing baptismal interviews in our area and another area and then was able to have another division with a zone leader who was doing baptismal interviews in Elder Shepherds area. It was amazing and super fun.
Christmas Eve here is pretty cool and they have been dinners to bring in Christmas. Its pretty much just parties all over. Me and my companion had it at the Bishops house and it was cool.
Christmas wasnt the same with out all of you but it just made me even more grateful for the next Christmas that im going to have with you all. I loved the Puppets singing We wish you a Merry Christmas. It didnt quite feel like Christmas for me since I didnt have very many people singing Christmas Carols to me in English and so I loved it.
I just loved talking to you all in general. I dont know if you realize how much I miss each and every one of you and I pray that youre safe often.
So today I went to Centro to get my shoes repaired because the shoe repair guy in my area fixed my shoes but it didnt stick so I got them redone and I dont think they put the airplane tire on it but I think itll still be good. So to describe Centro, imagine San Fransisco, China town and a flea market and that pretty much describes it. I bought some things that I needed such as a camera case and a letter opener (from the indian market there) and then some other things like granola because its much cheaper there and they have more variety, after shave because i ran out and deodorant because i ran out of it and thought that you might have sent me some for Christmas so ive been holding off on buying it (ive been using the rest of mine and also the Gold Bond powder because it says that it works for that and it does!), and i thought that they might have american stick deordorant there but they didnt so I bought some spray. I saw the river briefly but didnt get the chance to look at the area where it runs side by side, the blue water and the dark water. Just something to look forward to in the future...
But yea that was my day, next week im sending off a package with my unused suit, shoes and some other stuff and im also going to include something cool that I bought at the indian market today and so look out for it! (no its not a blowgun im waiting to buy one of those at the end of my mission as well as one of the native tribal bows that they have).
Have an awesome time in Monteray this week (or today im not sure when your going there), fishing is awesome!
I love you all and please keep me in your prayers and continue to write me letters because I want to use my new letter opener,
p.s. Im posting a video of a rain storm here as well as some baptismal pictures on picasa and i think i posted another video that I took Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Love you!
So This is Christmas...
Ok so just so that you all know, Im going to skype you at 5:00 my time and so i think thats 1:00 your time, I have a nice family that is going to let me use their computer and so im lucky. If Skype isnt working Im going to find a pay phone and call you collect from it so be prepared.
So this week...I think im going to tell you a wonderful story of why you should carry two umbrellas (guardar chuvas)
So me and Elder Adhans were walking and looking for a house and thought that the alley it was in had two entrances. And so we were walking down this canal and a dog came out and started barking at us. Ive gotten used to having dogs bark at me and so this wasnt new and my companion kept walking. (He taught me to just ignore them). However i dont like strange dogs very close to me and I had my umbrella in my hand (closed of course) and so i flicked it at him (it didnt hit him), as a warning of back off. So it got back and went back underneath the house it was near. Well the path we were walking ended and so we went and turned around to go back. Once again the dog was there barking under the house, so i had my umbrella in hand ready to flick it him again if he was going to come close to me but since i was leading this time he didnt. However when my companion walked by the dog it ran out from under the house and kept barking at him and scratched his leg since it had its mouth open and put some small holes in my companions pants. Dont worry it was only a superficial scratch and i dont think that it bled at all, if it did but it was still enough for us to have to get it checked out. Me flicking my umbrella at the dog it might have made it feel threatened but I dont think so (just a possiblilty). So the moral of the story is: always make sure you and your companion have umbrellas in your hand to ward off weird dogs.
I was on divisions with elder shepherd in his area and so I spent the night there. We tried contacting past investigators but most didnt live there any more and so we planted seeds in the peoples hearts and got a bunch of new investigators.
The dog incident occured.
The highlight of the day was that i found a new part of my area that is pretty cool, and also a fun sushi restaurant, the only bad part was that there werent that many people in this new part out in the streets but i want to teach at least one person from there sometime. Oh and me and elder adhans had Brazilian hamburgers at a bakery that we like and so that was good. Theyre different, because they dont use ground beef and they put a fried egg in the burger. Overall it wasnt bad but it is very different than the burgers in the US
We practiced as a district for our musical number that we are singing tomorrow at the Christmas Conference and taught people, it was good.
So I started the very painful process of correcting my poor grammar during my language study. I had another division with elder shepherd in the morning while elder adhans and elder nunes went to go interview an investigator in our area since there wasnt time for an interview friday. The baptism of our investigator was supposed to be that night but got moved to the Sunday after church and is now on hold for a while because his father wants to make it a big occasion and didnt give us a date and so currently its in limbo. Oh and today was my four-month-on-the-mission-aversary
We had the primary program and so that was great and i found out that next week we are meeting with the other ward and are only having sacrament meeting at 9:00 next week on Christmas. We had the opportunity to watch the First Presidency Christmas Devotional however because most of it was in portuguese i wasnt able to understand very much. I understood the words but the sentances didnt quite fit together. I never thought of how much i would miss hearing the prophet and the apostles until now.
I know that its Christmas time but honestly it hasnt really felt like Christmas because i havent been with you all but dont worry we will all have many Christmases together in two years when im back. I hope taht all doing well and i promise that ill get some letters out to you today since i didnt send any last week.
I love you all very much, and Merry Christmas!!!!
Elder Eric Alan Olsen
So this week...I think im going to tell you a wonderful story of why you should carry two umbrellas (guardar chuvas)
So me and Elder Adhans were walking and looking for a house and thought that the alley it was in had two entrances. And so we were walking down this canal and a dog came out and started barking at us. Ive gotten used to having dogs bark at me and so this wasnt new and my companion kept walking. (He taught me to just ignore them). However i dont like strange dogs very close to me and I had my umbrella in my hand (closed of course) and so i flicked it at him (it didnt hit him), as a warning of back off. So it got back and went back underneath the house it was near. Well the path we were walking ended and so we went and turned around to go back. Once again the dog was there barking under the house, so i had my umbrella in hand ready to flick it him again if he was going to come close to me but since i was leading this time he didnt. However when my companion walked by the dog it ran out from under the house and kept barking at him and scratched his leg since it had its mouth open and put some small holes in my companions pants. Dont worry it was only a superficial scratch and i dont think that it bled at all, if it did but it was still enough for us to have to get it checked out. Me flicking my umbrella at the dog it might have made it feel threatened but I dont think so (just a possiblilty). So the moral of the story is: always make sure you and your companion have umbrellas in your hand to ward off weird dogs.
I was on divisions with elder shepherd in his area and so I spent the night there. We tried contacting past investigators but most didnt live there any more and so we planted seeds in the peoples hearts and got a bunch of new investigators.
The dog incident occured.
The highlight of the day was that i found a new part of my area that is pretty cool, and also a fun sushi restaurant, the only bad part was that there werent that many people in this new part out in the streets but i want to teach at least one person from there sometime. Oh and me and elder adhans had Brazilian hamburgers at a bakery that we like and so that was good. Theyre different, because they dont use ground beef and they put a fried egg in the burger. Overall it wasnt bad but it is very different than the burgers in the US
We practiced as a district for our musical number that we are singing tomorrow at the Christmas Conference and taught people, it was good.
So I started the very painful process of correcting my poor grammar during my language study. I had another division with elder shepherd in the morning while elder adhans and elder nunes went to go interview an investigator in our area since there wasnt time for an interview friday. The baptism of our investigator was supposed to be that night but got moved to the Sunday after church and is now on hold for a while because his father wants to make it a big occasion and didnt give us a date and so currently its in limbo. Oh and today was my four-month-on-the-mission-aversary
We had the primary program and so that was great and i found out that next week we are meeting with the other ward and are only having sacrament meeting at 9:00 next week on Christmas. We had the opportunity to watch the First Presidency Christmas Devotional however because most of it was in portuguese i wasnt able to understand very much. I understood the words but the sentances didnt quite fit together. I never thought of how much i would miss hearing the prophet and the apostles until now.
I know that its Christmas time but honestly it hasnt really felt like Christmas because i havent been with you all but dont worry we will all have many Christmases together in two years when im back. I hope taht all doing well and i promise that ill get some letters out to you today since i didnt send any last week.
I love you all very much, and Merry Christmas!!!!
Elder Eric Alan Olsen
Second Week of the Second Transfer
So to start off before i forget, I talked with the president and I am allowed to skype with you for Christmas.
That being said, let~s recap a rather wonderful week.
I apologize that I wont say everything because once again i forgot my ´planner. But Im going to tell you about some of the more eventful things that have occured.
Tuesday night me and Elder Adhans were going to an appointment and I felt like i should talk to a man that we were passing, and I ignored it. Luckly for me the lord wasnt going to let the opportunity to learn and grow pass, and the man talked to us. He said that his name was Ribamar and that he was a recent convert who had gone less active and that he had a desire to come back to church. After I listened to his story it was in some ways comparable to Job for me because he didnt see his daughter any more because she lived with her mom, and his work hadnt been paying him, leaving him without income. He expressed a sincere desire to come back and so we set an appointment for the next day. We passed by his house and he wasnt there so we passed by again thursday. He was excited to have us there and we talked for a while and read the scriptures with him. He told us that he didnt have any food and hadnt eaten since the day before and so we bought him some food at the store and dropped it off. When we passed by again later that night i noticed that he had been eating the food because all the apples were gone and the bread was opened and some slices missing. It was rather humbling for me to have this experience. He didnt make it to church this week and will next week.
Suzete and Tereza
Suzete is a young women who lives at the same house as the bishop and has been going to church for a while and has been reading the book of mormon for a while as well. She prayed to know whether it was true or not and then went to sleep. She had an angel appear to her in a dream and tell her to continue reading the book and that it would help her to learn and grow more. It was amazing, however i hadnt understood this when she said it and had become distracted, it was frustrating to know that i missed out on hearing this from her mouth because elder adhans explained it to me later, and it makes me want to have a stronger conviction to focus more in our lessons.
Tereza is a 60-70 year old woman who came and sat down on our first lesson with suzete and started listening. When we had our second lesson with suzete we talked about the plan of salvation and she had expressed that she was sad that her son had died in the past but she had a dream where an angel told her that he was in a better place.
Both have agreed to be baptized.
This week was interesting, it started out slow and i was frustrated because we had cut most of our investigators but by the end of it it started picking up and we are expecting several baptisms this next week. The lord really does bless us in our endeavors as we work for him.
Please continue to pray for me and send me letters, you have no idea the impact that they have on me. Im getting more out slowly but surely so dont worry its all coming. Im expecting 11 in tomorrow because my district leader has them and is giving them to me then.
I feel like there is more that i was going to say but honestly i forgot,
I love you all and pray for your well being,
Elder Eric Alan Olsen
That being said, let~s recap a rather wonderful week.
I apologize that I wont say everything because once again i forgot my ´planner. But Im going to tell you about some of the more eventful things that have occured.
Tuesday night me and Elder Adhans were going to an appointment and I felt like i should talk to a man that we were passing, and I ignored it. Luckly for me the lord wasnt going to let the opportunity to learn and grow pass, and the man talked to us. He said that his name was Ribamar and that he was a recent convert who had gone less active and that he had a desire to come back to church. After I listened to his story it was in some ways comparable to Job for me because he didnt see his daughter any more because she lived with her mom, and his work hadnt been paying him, leaving him without income. He expressed a sincere desire to come back and so we set an appointment for the next day. We passed by his house and he wasnt there so we passed by again thursday. He was excited to have us there and we talked for a while and read the scriptures with him. He told us that he didnt have any food and hadnt eaten since the day before and so we bought him some food at the store and dropped it off. When we passed by again later that night i noticed that he had been eating the food because all the apples were gone and the bread was opened and some slices missing. It was rather humbling for me to have this experience. He didnt make it to church this week and will next week.
Suzete and Tereza
Suzete is a young women who lives at the same house as the bishop and has been going to church for a while and has been reading the book of mormon for a while as well. She prayed to know whether it was true or not and then went to sleep. She had an angel appear to her in a dream and tell her to continue reading the book and that it would help her to learn and grow more. It was amazing, however i hadnt understood this when she said it and had become distracted, it was frustrating to know that i missed out on hearing this from her mouth because elder adhans explained it to me later, and it makes me want to have a stronger conviction to focus more in our lessons.
Tereza is a 60-70 year old woman who came and sat down on our first lesson with suzete and started listening. When we had our second lesson with suzete we talked about the plan of salvation and she had expressed that she was sad that her son had died in the past but she had a dream where an angel told her that he was in a better place.
Both have agreed to be baptized.
This week was interesting, it started out slow and i was frustrated because we had cut most of our investigators but by the end of it it started picking up and we are expecting several baptisms this next week. The lord really does bless us in our endeavors as we work for him.
Please continue to pray for me and send me letters, you have no idea the impact that they have on me. Im getting more out slowly but surely so dont worry its all coming. Im expecting 11 in tomorrow because my district leader has them and is giving them to me then.
I feel like there is more that i was going to say but honestly i forgot,
I love you all and pray for your well being,
Elder Eric Alan Olsen
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